Sunday, October 5, 2008

#50 Farewells

Dear diary,

Well, that went well.

I pulled up at work this morning with a sick feeling in my stomach. There was a lot of risk involved in what Shannon and I were going to do today, I thought, so let’s get it over and done with. I rubbed my Shelvation Army badge, the one Talia had given me almost a year ago, for good luck, and walked into the library staffroom.

As soon as I walked in the door I knew something big was happening. Ernesto had come in from the hospital, with crutches. Sylvia was sitting beside him, and looked much more comfortable in her gothic make-up and long black dress than she had last time I’d seen her. Pepper was also there, trying to show everyone her holiday snaps and looking confused that no-one was paying her any attention. Everyone was… waiting.

Viktor and Boudecia stormed in, arguing with each other in that polite managerial way. Shannon waltzed in after them, looking rather smug and holding the damning documents in her hand. She coughed loudly to catch the attention of everyone. Once she had the stage she lifted the document up and announced that in this folder she had something very important to show everyone, and then proceeded to lay it down on the boardroom table. Everyone gathered around ot of curiosity. I couldn’t let her open it and take herself down with Viktor. They’d both be arrested and she’d never be able to work as a librarian.

I grabbed it out of her hands and rushed out of the room. I bolted through the library. Most people made way for me, but one old lady wasn’t fast enough and I had to spin deftly to avoid crashing into her. I snipped the side of her shopping basket and a cascade of fresh vegetables and family sagas went flying into the air.

A kid ran out of his mother’s arms and right into my path. He ducked, terrified, and I leapt over him heroically. That moment ended when I landed on a stray Eric Carle picture book and went skidding into BOB. Injured, I ran past Goldie at the desk and out of the library. I had to take the documents to the police, even if it meant sacrificing myself for the greater good.

My plans were (thankfully) thwarted by the protest that was going on outside the library. Bron had rallied a march against BiblioTech in the mistaken impression that they were to blame for the library’s downfall. I barreled into TJ, who was handing out pamphlets. Papers flew up and rained down on the amassed crowd. I fell backwards, winded, and passed out.

I came to in the staffroom. Pepper was waving smelling salts under my nose. I sat up quickly, and when my vision came to I saw I was surrounded by the rest of the staff: Boudecia, Bron, Ernesto, Goldie, Pepper, Shannon, Sylvia, TJ and… Talia! I jumped to my feet and gave her a huge hug. I was so happy to see her in these tough times. And then I noticed she was holding TJ’s hand, and they were both smiling awkwardly, and I knew that it was going to hurt later. But not yet.

Boudecia beckoned me away from the others. We walked over to the archival room. She nodded, and I pushed the door open. Viktor was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, with a frozen look of pure terror on his face as he watched the ghosts circle around him. The Ghost Man appeared next to me and smiled before floating over to the other staff, none of whom, I noticed, were surprised in the least by his presence.

Boudecia walked into the room and closed the door. I counted three seconds before Viktor’s screams pierced the walls. There was a shredding sound, and another twelve seconds passed before he tore open the door and ran out through the back door of the library, his clothes torn and blood seeping from a scratch wound on his forehead. A white owl flew past me and harried him as he fled the building. I doubt we’ll be seeing him again.

So all’s well that ends well. Mostly. When she returned from her hunt, Boudecia reinstated TJ and Bron on the spot, and welcomed the other staff to return whenever they were ready. Talia explained that she really liked her other job and was going to stay there; another pain I would feel later. Bron jumped in and asked if her son could come and work for the library as a shelver, to which Boudecia agreed. The theft committed at Council the other night was completely overlooked in light of recent events. And that was that, it was back to work as per normal.

I worked at the desk in a dazed zombie state for several hours before Goldie came and laid a caring hand on my shoulder and told me to have a break. I shook my head and ran off to the shelves, hoping that being surrounded by the old volumes would cheer me up. I picked up a reference guide to electrical engineering and sat cross-legged in the middle of the walkway. A gaggle of schoolgirls started giggling at me. I was about to shush them when the Book Man stepped out of the shelves behind them and quietly said:

“Boo.” The girls broke the world record for the fastest panicked group dash. I looked up and caught what could have been a wink from the Book Man before he faded away. The rest of the night went much better after that.

So, I guess that’s it then. I think the events of late have taken their toll on me, so I might give this journal a rest for the time being. It’s been a wild rollercoaster of fun, excitement, heartache and fear, all fueled by pure adrenalin. Who ever said libraries were boring?


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